Where do Your Political Candidates Stand on Animal Welfare

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If you do not have time to read the following introduction please scroll down to send a message concerning animal welfare to all candidates in your constituency. Also “Tweet for animals” on April 2nd.

“An English gentleman would not himself give a moment’s unnecessary pain to any living creature, and would instinctively exert himself to put an end to any suffering before his eyes: yet it is a fact that every game preserver in this country sanctions a system which consigns thousands of animals to acute agony, probably of eight or ten hours duration, before it is ended by death. I allude to the setting of steel traps for catching vermin.”

“Bull-baiting and cock-fighting have rightly been put down by law; I hope it may never be said that the members of the British Parliament will not make laws to protect animals if such laws should in any way interfere with their own sports.

Some who reflect upon this subject for the first time will wonder how such cruelty can have been permitted to continue in these days of civilisation; and no doubt if men of education saw with their own eyes what takes place under their sanction, the system would have been put an end to long ago.”
Charles Darwin referring to steel traps

Indeed the cruelty meted out to animals in the name of “sport” should have long been consigned to history.

Of particular note in the above quote :I hope it may never be said that the members of the British Parliament will not make laws to protect animals if such laws should in any way interfere with their own sports.

Unfortunately some members of the British government avoid making laws to protect animals or attempt to revoke laws which have been painstakingly passed if it interferes with their sport, Cameron’s continued attempts to reinstate hunting with dogs, fox hunting, is a case in point.

Please take the following actions

Send a message to all candidates in your constituency

Find out where your political candidates stand on animal welfare by sending them a message to question them directly on and ask them to support the five 5 key requests included in the League Against Cruel Sports’ 2015 Election Manifesto.

We are asking every parliamentary candidate to support our five election pledges.

1. To defend and strengthen the Hunting Act

 2. To ban the use of snares

 3. To conduct an independent inquiry into the commercial shooting industry

 4. To take tough action to deal with illegal dog fighting

 5. To strengthen protection for racing greyhounds”

Read more detail and take action by sending a form letter to your candidates:

Please send the message included in the above link, it is easier than it sounds as it does not require editing. The message will be sent to each candidate in your constituency.

More Action you can take

Tweet For Animals

“On Thursday 2nd April leaders from the 7 main political parties in the UK will  be taking part in a live televised debate and we want you to tweet them and tell them that animals matter at the general election.”

Click the link below to access links to each of the party leaders’ Twitter accounts. Click on the “Tweet” button and be a voice for animals.”


Hunting, shooting, deer stalking, hare coursing, snaring, dog racing and other so called”sports” should be banned outright, such should have no place in any civilised society. While dog fighting is of course banned there should be more done to enforce such a ban. Rather like fox hunting, bans of this kind are ignored which makes them meaningless.